Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor in Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking

Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor in Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking

AbstractBLDC motor is widely used because of its low maintenance and minimum losses. The objective of this paper is to develop a switching logic for speed control with regenerative braking of brushless DC motor. The supply to the BLDC motor is given from the battery through a three-phase inverter. There are two modes of operation of motor – motoring mode and regeneration mode. Using Waijung block set in MATLAB Simulink, the simulation model is built in the STM32f4 discovery board through which gating pulses for the three-phase inverter are supplied. By taking the hall sensor position as reference, gating pulses for the inverter are generated. Speed control and regenerative braking has been implemented in an electric vehicle (EV). The performance of BLDC motor in EV is analyzed by conducting the speed control at different load conditions.
Item TypeJournal Article
TitleSpeed Control of Brushless DC Motor in Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking
AuthorRommala Mahitha
TagsBrushless DC motor (BLDCM), electric vehicle(EV), Regenerative Braking, STM32F4 Discovery board, Waijung block set.

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